Thursday, June 4, 2009


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How to get richer with mutual funds  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Several new concepts of investments have found their way to the Indian market with the introduction of new mutual fund schemes. At a time when interest in MFs might seem low, it is interesting to note several additional investment options being created. Investors must examine the details of such concepts carefully, to help achieve their investment objectives in a simple manner. Here are some themes and concepts and how an investor can effectively make use of these.


Buying a fund is just one part of the transaction. To make profits, there has to be a sale of the units. Often investors keep holding the units without booking any profits and in course of time are unable to realise the gains.

This happens because markets move both up and down and this can result in a situation where the investor's profits remain just on paper. One way out is to have predetermined levels at which profits will be booked. The problem is actual implementation.

The investor has to constantly monitor if the target has been reached and then has to sell. This process can be automated by giving the MF instructions to sell at a particular level. This facility is also known as a trigger. This is not available with all funds, but when present can be implemented in two ways.

A simple implementation can result in the units being redeemed by the fund. This means if you have invested Rs 10,000 in a fund at Rs 10 and given instructions to redeem these at a 20 per cent profit, then when the net asset value (NAV) reached Rs 12 this will be done and you will get Rs 12,000.

The second route is to transfer the gains or the entire investment to a debt fund. In such a situation relating to the gains, the extra Rs 2,000 earned will be transferred from the equity to a debt fund, where the risk is less. The ICICI [Get Quote] Prudential Target Returns Fund is an example of this type of scheme, where the investor can set trigger levels at 12 per cent, 20 per cent, 50 per cent and 100 per cent. The gains or the entire investment can be transferred to one of the pre-determined debt schemes of the same fund house.


Such schemes and options are suitable for investors who do not have any time to monitor their investments regularly, but would not like to miss an earning opportunity.

It is also useful for those who want to balance their investments without relying too much on human decisions at regular intervals. The investment base is an equity fund, so the investor should consider the scheme's performance and, if suitable, use it as a part of their equity exposure, ideally restricted to 10-12 per cent of the portfolio.


There are different ways to take an investment decision. The traditional route is to have a fund manager who will make all the decisions on purchase and sale of shares in the fund.

Another way is through the route of automatic decisions when certain conditions are reached. One option here involves the use of mathematical models for selecting stocks in the portfolio. This eliminates the human element in decision making, along with any bias, as the model throws up all the decisions to be taken.

Two such funds available are the Religare AGILE fund and Reliance [Get Quote] Quant Plus Fund. These involve a scientific approach, whereby investment strategies are framed and then back-tested before being applied in real life situations.


These types of funds are suitable for all those investors who are comfortable with a slightly higher risk in their investments. It is useful for those investors who want to have stocks in their portfolio based on specific factors and these are included in the quant working of the scheme. Investors should ensure the exposure to such funds remains at around 7-10 per cent of the portfolio.

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7 ways to get right info on right stocks  

Sunday, May 31, 2009

1. Market Capitalisation

What is it?

Market capitalisation (cap) is calculated by multiplying a company's outstanding shares (paid-up equity capital divided by the face value) with the current market price (CMP). This indicates the worth of the company in terms of its shares. To calculate the market cap of, say, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Health-care, multiply the CMP -- Rs 815 as on 13 May -- with the 4.20 crore (42 million) outstanding shares, which comes to Rs 3423 crore (Rs 34.23 billion).

Where to look

The financial results section or the company related page on stock exchange websites ( or give details of outstanding shares
The quotes page on these sites give CMP
Financial dailies publish market cap data of select companies

2. Trading Volumes

What is it?

It is the total number of stocks of a company traded at an exchange. It is a measure of the liquidity and also shows the level of market participation in the stock. This figure is especially important in the case of low-volume stocks (below 2,000 shares). During tough market conditions, liquidating low-volume stocks becomes difficult. The 2-week average quantity of Dabur India shares is around 2.2 lakh, which is a comfortable number. On the other hand, the number for MMTC is only 500-600 shares for the same period.

Where to look

Stock exchange sites
Financial dailies

3. Historical Price Data

What is it?

This information helps understand how a stock's price has behaved over a period of time. Information on whether a stock is at a new peak or a new low helps evaluate the quality of the stock. For instance, if a stock has breached its yearly low, you should get into the reason behind it.

Where to look

The quotes page or the stock reach page on the NSE and BSE sites share the yearly high and low data
Use the 'charting function' of exchange sites for graphical representation. This will help you find whether the stock is trading at a new low or a new high. The co-movement option helps compare the performance of the stock with the index
On, go to the equity, market information, historical data section. Click on the security-wise data section, get the security symbol and choose the dates for which you want information. On, go to the archives section

4. Company Developments

What is it?

Developments in a company such as a new product, capacity expansion or a new clientele can affect the stock's performance. Find out what impact these developments can have on the stock. Also, find out about the company's competitors, government regulations related to it, and their impact on its operations.

Where to look

Financial dailies
Corporate announcements on exchange sites have information about developments in a company
Analyst meets or conference call updates on company sites throw light on the company's future plans
To understand the operations of a company, read its latest annual report. The director's report and management discussion and analysis will give you a detailed perspective on the company's current performance and outlook
Follow the notes published at the end of the statutory advertisements that companies release to gather information on disclosures
Investors can also become a member of online investment clubs. You will derive a lot of information which can, subsequently, be validated from a reliable source

5. Financial Data

What is it?

Before buying a stock, it is important to know about the company's financial performance. Growth in sales and profit over the last four to five quarters will help you understand its performance in the light of the recent market scenario. Its growth rate in the last 4-5 years will give an insight into the pace of growth in the past. Look at the operating margin growth as well, especially so in the current tough operating environment.

Remember to look at the consolidated, and not the standalone performance. Consolidated performance includes the results of all subsidiaries, joint ventures and investments in associate companies. Its importance is evident from the impact it has on the performance of some companies.

Where to look

Company website. Results and annual reports need to be read carefully. For example, in case of Dabur India, go to, click on investor relations and get into financial presentations. You will get quarterly results, annual report, investor communications and analyst conference call transcripts there
The financial results section on stock exchange websites

6. Balance Sheet

What is it?

Many companies, especially those from the pharmaceutical and IT sectors, are under stress due to high debt and losses on foreign currency borrowings. Many investors ignored the foreign currency convertible bond (FCCB) details before the 2008 stockmarket crash.

FCCB is a type of convertible bond issued in a currency different from the issuer's domestic currency. The mix of debt and equity instruments it has gives the bondholder an option to convert the bond into a stock.

Due to the sharp stockmarket dip, the companies are unable to offer the bondholders the option of converting the bonds into equity at a premium. Instead, bondholders had to exercise the debt option. Companies would now have to decide on how to service their FCCBs.

The balancesheet will also help you understand the financial leveraging capacity of the company. Calculate the debt-equity ratio to get this. It is arrived at by dividing the total liabilities by the stockholders' equity.

Take the case of Aurobindo Pharma. It has outstanding FCCB of $260 million. A part of it will come up for redemption in the beginning of 2010. This stock got butchered when the FCCB issue became a major concern and is currently trading at more than 80 per cent discount to its FCCB conversion price.

Recent updates on the NSE website suggest that the company has plans to buy back its outstanding FCCBs in small lots. The company's debt-equity ratio is 1.5. This should be considered before investing because high debt-equity (normally above one) suggests that the company has been aggressive in financing its growth through debt. If the company's operation is under stress due to the economic environment and its balancesheet is debt-burdened, then it would be better to stay away from its stock.

Where to look

Annual report and news releases on the company website
Corporate announcements available on stock exchange sites

7. Basic Calculations

Deduct any preferred stock dividends from the net profit after tax and divide the balance by the number of outstanding shares. This will give you the earnings per share (EPS) of a company.

To assess a stock, calculate the trailing 12 months' EPS (for the last four quarters). Then, calculate the price earning ratio (PE) -- CMP divided by EPS.

For example, GSK Consumer's EPS grew steadily from Rs 30 in December 2006 to Rs 51.30 in March 2009. The company follows the calendar year and this data can be sourced from the exchange sites and also the company's website, The latest EPS and CMP (Rs 815) translate into a PE ratio of 15.9.

To evaluate whether a PE is high or low, compare it with the industry PE and index PE. This data is also available on exchange sites. Go to the industry index information to get the PE details of a particular industry. The BSE FMCG Index's PE, for instance, as on 13 May is 23.54 while GSK Consumer's PE is 15.9. This suggests a comparatively low PE for the company.

Where to look

Profit & loss account on exchange sites or company website
Quarterly or annual results published by the company also carry EPS information

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Bear Market Investing Strategies  

Monday, May 25, 2009


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4 golden rules of equity investing  

Sunday, May 24, 2009

IF you want to invest in equities, there are only four things you need to remember.

1. Choose the right company
Look for superior and profitable growth. The company should earn at least 20% return on its shareholders’ capital.

Ideally a long-term investment perspective (more than five years) allows you to participate in the company’s growth. At the short end (3-6 months), share performance is driven more by market sentiment and less by company fundamentals. In the long run, the relevance of the right price diminishes.

Must read:

2. Be disciplined
Stock investing is a long, learning experience. You will make mistakes, but also learn from them. Here is what you can do to ensure a smooth ride.

--Diversify your investments. Do not put more than 10 per cent of your corpus in one stock, even if it’s a gem. On the other hand, don’t have too many – they become difficult to monitor. For a passive long long-term investor, 15-20 is a healthy number. Use this asset allocation tool to find out if you need to invest beyond equities
--Research and analyse your company's performance through quarterly results, annual reports and news articles.
--Get a good broker and understand settlement systems
--Ignore hot tips. If hot tips really worked, we'd all be millionaires.
--Resist the temptation to buy more. Each purchase is a new investment decision. Buy only as many shares of one company, as fits your overall allocation plan.

3. Monitor and review
Regularly monitor and review your investments. Keep in touch with quarterly results announcements and update the prices on your portfolio worksheet at least once a week. This is more important during volatile times when there can be great opportunities for value picking! Find out how you can buy 1 rupee coins at 50 paise !

Also, review the reasons you earlier identified for buying a stock and check whether they are still valid or there have been significant changes in your earlier assumptions and expectations. And use an annual review process to review your exposure to equity shares within your overall asset allocation and rebalance, if necessary. Ideally, revisit the RiskAnalyser at every such review because your risk capacity and risk profile could have undergone a change over a 12-month period.

Also read: Stock markets are like supermarkets

4. Learn from your mistakes
When reviewing, do identify and learn from your mistakes. Nothing beats first-hand experience. Let these experiences register as `pearls of wisdom' and help you emerge a smarter equity investor.

Also read: Why the stock market isn't a casino

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What is the Booking Process for Nano?  

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bookings for Tata Motors eagerly awaited Nano, dubbed the world's cheapest car, open on Thursday.

The Nano was formally launched by Chairman Ratan Tata on March 23 and has been available for viewing in showrooms around the country from April 1, as are application forms.

The Nano made a much-trumpeted debut in January 2008 and was due to go on sale late last year, but its arrival was delayed by a dispute over the land where a purpose-built facility was to be located.

Following are some frequently asked questions.


Prices vary, but the standard Nano will cost 100,000 rupees ($1,993), ex-factory, though this is available to only 100,000 buyers who will be selected through a computer generated draw sometime between late-April and late-June. Showroom prices start from 112,735 rupees for the standard version and go up to 185,375 rupees for the luxury version.


For the standard version it is 95,000 rupees, rising to 120,000 rupees for the mid-segment model and 140,000 rupees for the luxury variant.


Customers can book online at and pay the booking fee there. Or they can book via forms at specified branches of State Bank of India , the country's largest lender which is managing the process, dealerships and other outlets. Customers can get financing from 18 banks and Tata Motors Finance. Booking fees for financing start from 2,850 rupees for the standard model, at interest rates ranging from 9 percent to 14.25 percent.


Large-scale production has been delayed by the relocation row that shifted output to Gujarat from West Bengal last year. As a stop-gap arrangement, Nanos will be rolled out from Tata's existing car factory in Pantnagar in Northern India, which has the capacity to produce 50,000 units a year.


Bookings close on April 25, and within 60 days Tata Motors will announce the allotment of 100,000 cars in the first phase of deliveries. These 100,000 cars will be price protected at the launch price until delivery, but the booking fee will bear no interest for the customer. Deliveries will start from July.


Applicants can rollover their booking deposit even if they aren't among the first 100,000 buyers. They will earn interest on that deposit -- from the date that a second phase allotment is announced -- at 8.5 percent to rollover the deposit for between 1 and 2 years and 8.75 percent for more than 2 years. The allotment of those keeping their deposits at Tata will be announced along with those chosen for the first 100,000 cars.


The car can seat 4 people. Tata's chairman has said his inspiration for the cheap car was the common sight on Indian roads of a family of four riding a motorbike.


There are around 9 vehicles per 1,000 people, well below levels in developed countries. India's population is around 1.1 billion.


Prices of motorcycles range from 30,000 rupees at the low end to 1.2 million rupees at the higher-end. Tata has said the Nano aims to give people the chance to shift from a bike to car ownership.

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How the recession can impact your diet  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are you a member of the 'There's a Hole in My Wallet' club?
And does the hole in your wallet seem to be getting bigger lately? Does shopping for groceries make your palms sweat due to a serious liquidity crunch?

Studies have shown that when money gets tight in the economy, a lot of us cut back on groceries and switch to buying cheaper prepared foods that stimulate our taste buds but are not necessarily good for us. According to most health officials, the economic slump has a devastating impact on the population's diet and health.

A lot of us may actually wind up packing on the pounds by eating so-called 'comfort foods' that are laden with sugar and saturated fats.

Practical tips to prevent wallet-busting

Offered below are a few tips to help you make better choices with a limited budget. So guys, tighten your belts!

Set a budget: Track all food purchases for a few weeks and identify areas where you can cut back.
Use leftovers: Frozen cuts of meat, bags of cut green beans or shelled peas, other essentials that you might have forgotten about -- you will find use for all of them.
Off-season foods are always more expensive: Do you really need to buy out-of-season fresh foods each week, or will frozen veggies do? In-season produce is hands down less expensive. Set a weekly or monthly spending limit.
Make a shopping list, and then stick to it: Keep a running list on the fridge and write down necessities as you think of them. Before you're off to the store, find out what's there in your pantry and fridge and add or remove items as needed.
Buy only what you'll use: Purchase foods that you use regularly. Remember, fruit and vegetables are still fairly cheap and also very filling, so don�t miss out on them.
Do not experiment with new foods: If you happen to dislike a particular food or cuisine, this isn't the time to try it. It will likely end up in the trash.
Don't buy in bulk unnecessarily: Buying in bulk only helps if a food is a staple in your house, like whole wheat flour, eggs, biscuits, fruit or some staple vegetables like potatoes and onions.
Be realistic: If you don't eat too much of a particular food, don't buy a super-sized amount, as you probably will never get through the whole thing.
Know your good, bad and evil comfort foods: Cook more at home -- it's much cheaper. And cut down on buttery baked foods like pastries, pies, puffs, cakes as well as other packaged foods like wafers, cookies, mixtures and fried variants. They're expensive, unnecessary and will make you gain weight. What's wrong with soul-satisfying soups, grilled home-made panini sandwiches, chicken frankies or rolls and savoury veggie omelettes instead? These are just a few substitutes that are not only healthy, but provide you with loads of nutrition.
Now for a little savings game:

Dinner for two at a restaurant involves:
Waiting time of 30 minutes
1 portion of salad: Rs 50
4 rotis: Rs 100
1 portion gobi mattar: Rs 90
1 portion dal makhani: Rs 120
2 portions of dessert: Rs 240
Total bill: Rs 600

Dinner for two at home involves:
A few minutes' planning time (this can be done while you're commuting to or from work)
Preparation time of 30 minutes
1 portion of salad: Rs 20
4 rotis: Rs 10
1 portion gobi mattar: Rs 25
1 portion dal tadka: Rs 50
2 portions of dessert (sliced fresh fruit): Rs 50
Total bill: Rs 155

Which is the healthier option, in terms of diet and cost? Think about it! Food prepared at home is less expensive, more nutritious and can feed more people.

So put on your recession cap and ensure:

That you balance your budget scale and your meals -- never, never overeat.
That you're smart and turn this into an opportunity to save some money and work your way to a healthier you.
Seal that hole in your wallet, make the moolah go farther and feel good about yourself, knowing you are a step ahead of the game!

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some one Help me on TAX

1) Qus. : What are you doing?

Ans. : Business.


2) Qus. : What are you doing in Business?

Ans. : Selling the Goods.


3) Qus. : >From where are you getting Goods?

Ans. : From other State/Abroad


4) Qus. : What are you getting in Selling Goods?

Ans. : Profit.


5) Qus. : How do you distribute profit ?

Ans : By way of dividend

Tax : Pay dividend distribution Tax

6) Qus. : Where you Manufacturing the Goods?

Ans. : Factory.


7) Qus. : Do you have Office / Warehouse/ Factory?

Ans. : Yes


8) Qus. : Do you have Staff?

Ans. : Yes


9) Qus. : Doing business in Millions?

Ans. : Yes


Ans : No

Tax : Then pay Minimum Alternate Tax

10) Qus. : Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank?

Ans. : Yes, for Salary.


11) Qus.: Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner?

Ans. : Hotel


12) Qus.: Are you going Out of Station for Business?

Ans. : Yes


13) Qus.: Have you taken or given any Service/s?

Ans. : Yes


14) Qus.: How come you got such a Big Amount?

Ans. : Gift on birthday.


15) Qus.: Do you have any Wealth?

Ans. : Yes


16) Qus.: To reduce Tension, for entertainment, where are you going?

Ans. : Cinema or Resort.


17) Qus.: Have you purchased House?

Ans. : Yes


18) Qus.: How you Travel?

Ans. : Bus


19) Qus.: Any Additional Tax?

Ans. : Yes


20) Qus.: Delayed any time Paying Any Tax?

Ans. : Yes


21) INDIAN :: can i die now??

Ans :: wait we are about to launch the funeral tax!!!
Tax Structure in India....... Funny But True

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Puja Tandon highlights lucrative career paths in the exciting world of Finance.
The brave new corporate, is an exciting place to be in right now. If there is a right time and right place – this is
it. Many indicators are moving north! But as always, it will make things better if we are prepared and if we
know what to expect. In today’s fast paced world planning a career is a great challenge. The tremendous
growth in the economy is opening up new opportunities as new businesses get set up. India has become a global
hunting ground for talent. Now we have the opportunity to think of “global” careers. A career as a finance
professional today is vastly different than it used to be years ago. The study and analysis of today’s markets,
financial products and other financially related sectors of the business world are the foundation of financial
activities to date. Stockbroker, financial planner, and investment banker are just a few examples of jobs that
may be chosen when pursuing a career in finance. As finance grows year to year, being accurate and up to date
with financial information and financial techniques is essential when considering a career in finance.
New trends in Financial Markets:
Financial markets across the world are getting integrated and complex due to technological advancements of
most of the erstwhile closed economies. This process warranted the market professionals to be equipped with
the knowledge of the various market processes, and the understanding of broader role of various segments of
the markets. Over the past few years the financial market has seen a tremendous change in the activities that
are transacted in it. Reliance , Infosys, Wipro, L&T, Mahindra & Mahindra, ICICI, Satyam are few amongst the
many companies who have tapped offshore markets to raise capital. The journey of IDR has just begun. The
conditions set for the issue are stiffer; yet taking into confidence the realities of market conditions is a step
for the convergence and harmonisation of whole stock markets. The introduction of derivatives has brought in
a number of challenges. These assets are like dynamite. Used properly, they can be extremely effective and
beneficial. The problem is they can also destroy careless users. There are several problems faced by
derivatives markets across the globe. Even today, majority of the investing public do not share the advantages
of these products due to the enormous margin requirements. The Indian stock market is on the roll. Today
India is one of the favourite investment destinations of FII’s. Restructuring and consolidation have become a
norm rather than an exception. Internet has touched almost all aspects of our lives. In their quest to
differentiate their services and gain competitive advantage over their competitors, the financial service
providers are trying to provide their services to the customers in the comfort of their homes. The internet has
emerged as a convenient channel for these service providers. Internet-Based trading technologies together
with shifts in the economy and the business environment are transforming treasury investing. Online trading
platforms are making significant inroads into cash management functions; treasurers are increasingly relying
on these tools to find and execute the best trades. Banking sector is also witnessing changes. Banks are eyeing
retail segment as it offers immense opportunities. However, on the governance front, the sector is facing
multiple challenges like: increased competition, rising customer expectations, and diminishing customer
loyalty. Corporate governance is in fact the crying need of the day as Indian banks endeavor to make global
players. Mutual funds are also competing with commercial banks in the race for retail investor’s savings and
corporate float money. The power shift towards mutual funds has become obvious. The coming years will show
that the traditional saving avenues are losing out in the current scenario. Many investors are realising that
investments in savings accounts are as good as locking up their deposits in a closet. The opportunities in
finance are many with a wide choice of organisations and jobs to choose from. Prof. Vijay Page, Director
General - MET Institute of Management says “The financial sector is now poised for a quantum leap and the
challenges are so vast that they will fulfill the aspirations of the innovators, the workaholics as well as the
researchers from all streams of society. Those who join the finance sector in the take off stage will dominate
business and trade worldwide for decades to come.”
Careers and Job Information
“Finance is the key when you think about strategy, because what are we all about? It’s about creating
shareholder value.” You can grow a company volumetrically as much as you want and you may not create any
value at all. So underpinning all of those strategic decisions to sell properties or to make acquisitions – is the
financial analysis says Janet F. Clark, CFO Marathon Oil Corp.
Today's finance professionals assume a broad range of responsibilities involving capital budgeting, risk
management, project analysis and evaluation, and short-term and long-term financial planning. Finance
professionals are key to the strategic management and success of the business enterprise. They are often
responsible for making investment decisions and determining financial policy for their organisations.
The finance career field includes:
In Corporate finance you would work for a company to help it find various sources to raise finance, grow the
business, make acquisitions, plan for it’s financial future , manage any cash in hand and ensure future
economic viability.
Job Options
The following are just a few of the job options available for professionals seeking a career in coporate finance:
Treasurer: responsible for capital raising, financial planning, cash and asset management.
Impeccable analytical abilities as well as management and motivation skills are essential in this upper level
administrative position.
Credit Manager: Responsibilities consist of establishing rules for credit collection as well as for the
securitisation of receivables. Must be able to analyse accounting data and know a lot about their customers.
Investor Relations Officer: responsible for publishing corporate financial information and events through
press releases, coordinating with investors and replying to investor inquiries. You are in close contact with top
management officials and demands you understand both finance as well as public relations.
Controller: Responsibilities include accounting, cost analysis, financial planning and reporting, creating
costing systems, transfer pricing issues. CA/Cost Accountant with extensive experience in the field. For this
function candidates need to prepare themselves academically with at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting,
finance, economics, or business administration. In an increasingly competitive market, a master’s degree—
especially in business administration, economics, or risk management—is increasingly important. Employers
value the analytical skills and the training in the latest financial methods and technology that these degrees
provide their employees.
Investment Banks help companies and governments issue securities, help investors purchase securities,
manage financial assets, trade securities and provide financial advice.
Job Options
Initially, you may start as an analyst and be responsible for writing reports, maintaining spreadsheets, trading
stock options, research, etc. You will need to involve yourself in an intensive study to find out opportunities to
invest in profitable shares, debentures and other financial instruments. You need to have in- depth knowledge
of money markets, the state of the economy and business and industry in general. Moreover, you will need to
continuously involve yourself in extensive research on these subjects, and be up-to-date with the latest
information. . Often, bankers specialise in a particular industry and follow its fortunes over the years.
Most foreign banks and financial institutions prefer management graduates from the premiere management
schools, or professionals in accountancy, (chartered accountants and cost accountants), finance experts and
economists with postgraduate qualifications in finance, economics, financial planning, capital markets and so
on. A Ph. D in Economics and relevant experience in the industry can also get you a good job.
Commercial banks serve large corporations, small businesses, as well as the general public. Despite recent
consolidation in commercial banking, the industry continues to provide more career opportunities in finance
than any other sector in the financial services industry.
Job Options
The opportunities at commercial banks are more numerous today than they have ever been. With entry level
tellers, leasing agents, international finance officers, trade credit specialists, and credit card banking
specialists, the options in commercial banking are seemingly endless. As a mortgage banker the responsibility
is to supply potential homeowners and businesses with loan opportunities. Recruitment for the public sector
banks is done through the Banking Service Recruitment Boards (BSRBs).
Foreign banks pick up their personnel management institutes, from interviews held in the premiere
management institutes, from among finance professionals such as Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works
Accountants and Chartered Financials Analysts and also from the fold of experienced personnel of the apex
financial institutions and public sector commercial banks. Private banks recruit Officer Trainees from amongst
first class graduates, Management Trainees from amongst MBAs, and also recruit experienced personnel from
the banking sector for middle and higher management positions.
Indian Companies have been increasingly attracting foreign capital either through listing on international stock
exchanges or through private equity placements. Companies that wish to access markets for capital or that
wish to become leading global suppliers to corporations in developed markets have to hedge forex exposure.
Job Options
The Forex Treasury division in banks offers full range of vanilla and derivative products in forex, interest
rates and commodities. These include spot, forward, swaps, currency options, interest rate derivatives,
commodity futures and options in addition to high yield structured deposits linked to currencies, interest rates
and commodities. Several companies are looking for professionals who understand the nuances of
international finance, international capital markets and risk management.
The MBAs /CFAs may seek careers in the following areas: overseas fund mobilisation, risk management, Forex
dealing or Forex consultancy.
Money managers purchase and carry corporate bonds, agency securities, asset-backed securities and other
fixed-income investment products. Some specialise in small stocks, large cap funds, fledgling markets, and
other equities.
Job options
Portfolio Manager: Managers specialise in specific areas like growth stocks, hedge or commodity funds.
Competency in analysis of securities and a broad knowledge of companies and markets in the financial sector
is required.
Mutual Fund Analyst:skills are required in finaancial analysis, asset selection, stock selection, plan
implementation and ongoing monitoring of investments.
Hedge Fund trader: To get started be sure to study portfolio theory, learn fixed income investments, take
CFA/MBA exam and learn the industry.
Financial planning helps people make advance provision for financial needs that may arise in future .You can
draw parallels between the family doctor and a financial planner. The family doctor takes care of your
physical health and the financial planner takes care of your financial health, ensuring orderly and systematic
achievement of your financial goals
On the technical side, strong attention to detail is required as you analyse all types of financial options,
including their tax implications and legal restrictions. Financial computing skills are recommended for
performing the mathematical calculations quickly and accurately. You must also have the ability to
communicate somewhat complex financial concepts and strategies to clients in non-technical, easy-tounderstand
The Chartered Financial Planner (CFP) course is presently offered in India by two authorised education
providers of the Association of Financial Planners (AFP) in technical collaboration with the Financial Planning
Association of Australia Ltd. (FPA). The 2-year distance-learning programme covers topics such as insurance
planning and risk management, retirement planning, tax and estate planning, employee benefits, wealth
creation, budgeting, cash flow management, debt management and financial plan construction. Alternatively,
an MBA/CFA/CA/Insurance specialisation - singly or in combination, would also give you a broad understanding
of the various investment instruments and options, and their implications.
Brokers or stock market professionals are now either playing host to foreign investment bankers, who are
looking for opportunities on the Indian stock market, or visiting fund managers abroad seeking investment
here. Stock market houses are redefining themselves and the business of stock broking is highly visible today.
Communication links between the dealing room and the trading ring are being improved.
The National Stock Exchange or NSE (inaugurated on 23 July 1994) provides nationwide facilities with access to
investors all over the country. The automated, screen-based trading system using state-of-the-art technology
makes market operations transparent. Stock broking business requires the services of specialists (in varied
fields) - economists, accountants, finance managers, financial analysts, capital market specialists, and
investments and financial planners.
1. Postgraduate courses in economics and commerce are available in most universities in the country.
2. Finance managers may be MBAs with specialisation in finance from the reputed institutes of
management or from the departments of business administration of the major universities.
3. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi, conducts the chartered accountancy
course for the plus two level through the foundation course and directly for graduates.
Commodities Trading is a global phenomenon and offers tremendous potential to market participants for both
profit taking on small price corrections as well as to hedgers looking at managing price risk on account of price
fluctuations. In developed markets, futures trading is conservatively 10 times the size of cash market in
commodities. If we consider the fact that in the US, where the futures trading is almost 20 times that of the
cash market production, it would only be fair to suggest that our futures market would be a very large and
deep market, easily many times more than that of the securities market.
MCX CERTIFIED Commodity Professional (MCCP):The Exchange offers this certification course for
professionals who want to pursue a career in Commodity derivatives markets. It is designed with necessary
information and inputs so as to enable the participants to get well versed with the modalities of the
commodity markets in India. Certification as "MCX Certified Commodity Professional" is given on passing.
Apart from career opportunities available with insurance companies employment avenues are also open in
corporate sector, stock broking firms, finance companies, shipping companies etc. With private participation in
insurance sector the number of employment opportunities have gone up.
Actuarial: An actuary holds one of the most important position in an insurance business. He is involved in
solving wide range of financial problems related with insurance investments, financial planning and
management. Graduates in maths or satistics are suited for this kind of a job because the work is based on
mathematical and statistical skills. In the coming times it will definitely make one of the highly paid career
option in the insurance sector.
Underwriting: The life and non-life insurance segments require professional underwriters. Underwriters assess
the risk in the business and takes care of risk management.
Investment: Like banks and mutual funds, investment professionals will be required in insurance sector as
well. Professionals with degree in finance from reputed institutes as well as experienced professionals from
banks and mutual funds will have promising career options to look forward. MET Asian Management
Development Centre offers a Post Graduate in e Management and Business Administration (PGeMBA) in
Insurance Management.
Real estate is collateral for mortgages and a large amount of financial assets. Identifiable real estate fields are
mortgage banking, property management, real estate appraisals, brokerage and leasing, and real estate
The old stereotype that financial officers do nothing but crunch numbers all day is fading quickly. Thanks to
computers who do the number crunching, finance officers now spend their time assessing reports generated by
computers. The CEO of Coca-Cola said: “The secret isn’t counting beans, it’s growing more beans ” Thus the
need has increased for intelligent, dynamic communicators and analysers in all aspects of the financial world.
Puja Tandon, Finance Faculty at MET Institute of Management has authored this article.

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CAIA: Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (Newbie)  

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) is a professional designation given out by the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association to establish an educational standard for individuals that specialize in the area of alternative investments (such as hedge funds, venture capital, private equity and real estate investment). In order to receive the designation, individuals must have at least one year of professional experience, a U.S. bachelor's degree and must pass two levels of curriculum that include topics ranging from qualitative analysis, trading theories of alternative investments, to indexation and benchmarking.
Because the realm and scope of alternative investments is dramatically different from conventional investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, a specific designation was necessary to distinguish those individuals who are best qualified in dealing with this class of investments. Similar to the Chartered Financial Analyst(TM) designation, possessing the CAIA designation provides individuals with access to jobs, member chapters and sources of education
CAIA Practitioners Benefits
The CAIA curriculum's focus on analysis, application and standards of practice creates the benchmark that institutions, investors and regulators recognize and welcome globally
Professional Discounts: CAIA members receive discounts to a number of professional services, including several top news services and research sources. Members also gain discounted access to a host of industry conferences and CAIA events.
Ongoing Educational Opportunities: The CAIA Association and its membership place high value on ongoing education. Earning the designation is the first step in a CAIA member's access to a host of professional development opportunities like Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP), Life Office Management Association (LOMA). Successful completion of the CAIA program exempts members from the Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) exam
Career Opportunities: The CAIA designation can help open doors to a variety of professional opportunities by enhancing your industry marketability. Designees can be found in a variety of positions, including, Hedge fund, CTA, real estate and private equity fund management, Chief investment officers, Consultants to institutions, family offices, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals, Investment analysts, Regulators, Due diligence officers, Investment bankers, Asset allocators, Capital introduction specialists, Fund administrators, Lawyers, Accountants
Requirements to obtain the CAIA designation

The right to use the CAIA designation is earned by (1) successfully completing the CAIA program (passing both the Level I and Level II exams) and (2) becoming a member of the CAIA Association. In order to qualify for membership in the Association, you must fulfill each of the following:

Pass the Level II exam within three years of passing the Level I exam
Hold a U.S. bachelor's degree or the equivalent, and have more than one year of professional financial experience, or alternatively have at least four years of professional financial experience
Submit payment for the annual CAIA Association membership fee
Agree on an annual basis to abide by the Member Agreement
Membership is the final requirement for individuals who wish to use the CAIA designation.

CAIA Exam Structure

The exams are offered twice each year, once in May and once in September. The exams are administered in computerized format at proctored test centers around the world. The Level I exam is composed of three sections. The format for the entire Level I exam is multiple-choice.

Section 1: Quantitative methods.
Section 2: Foundations of alternative investments and includes such topics as alternative investment asset classes, trading strategies employed by alternative investment managers, sources of returns to these asset classes and strategies, and background on legal aspects of alternative investments.
Section 3 : Standards for professional conduct.The format for the Level II exam is both multiple-choice and essay. The Level II exam covers;
the application of portfolio theory to alternative investments,
selection of assets, managers, and strategies,
oversight and due diligence of investment managers, and risk management.
Standards of professional conduct are included as a separate section.
CAIA Exam Registration

Level I and Level II exams are administered in computerized format at proctored test centers around the world. To view a list of current sites offering the CAIA exams:

Visit and select "Locate a Test Center" at the top of the page.
Under Area of Study, select "Financial Services"
Choose "CAIA Association" from the Testing Program drop-down menu and proceed.


Program Registration Fees: USD 400
Level I Exam Registration: USD 1000 (USD 900 Early Registration)
Level II Exam Registration: USD 1000 (USD 900 Early Registration)
First-year-only membership dues: USD 250
Subsequent annual membership dues: USD 250
For AIMA/CISDM Member Companies

Program Registration Fees: USD 400
Level I Exam Registration: USD 750 (USD 650 Early Registration)
Level II Exam Registration: USD 750 (USD 650 Early Registration)
First-year-only membership dues: USD 150
Subsequent annual membership dues: USD 250

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Monday, March 9, 2009

The site serves people who are looking for renting or buying homes, moving to new homes and looking for finance to take care of their homes.

it helps you with-
Plan your move
Get FREE Quotes
Connect home services

The move all the things u want 2 move from ur is the best and the website 2 provide package and moving planner and does all the arrangement for you .you will just have to fill the form and provide the details and thats all you are now ready u move.........thats simple.moveme provide man and van for all the movers was set up in 2005 to make your life easier by taking the stress and hassle out of moving home. They guarantee to save you time and money in the process. site is award-winning move planner which thousands of people have already discovered to be a lifesaver during their move Moveme is does all the work in an unique way and its different from all other mover and planner. The website is very simple to use and its user friendly too.
All you just need get register to avail the service
The step you need to follow go get a stress free move is
Provide them the details of
• Change is address
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they are several ways to move your belongings to your new house:
Book a professional removal company
. Hire a van and move yourself.
Hire a man with a van of moving company

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maximizing retail sales...  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Summary: I want to find ways to maximise my sales. Can anyone suggest the different ways and methods to enhance sale at my showroom Description: I am running a showroom at Vikas Marg, Delhi . The size of Showroom is approximately 2000 Sq. Feet. The products on display are men’s and women’s wear. The women’s wear are mostly pants, jeans, shirts and T-shirts, Suits, winter wear and all the clothing requirements of men excluding the under garments.
RESPONSE – MENTOR1: in order to increase sales many different factors play a role. And some ground work prior to any actions is required.

First of all, you have to know your market.
1.Who is your target? Who are your target customers in the area where your showroom is?
2.What are their needs?
3.What sort of fashion do they like and want?
4. What are the market trends?
5. Is the market high-end, mid-end, low-end?
6. Do you address with your products the right group in the area? Or is there a mis-match between the market and your offerings?
7. According to the market, is the window appropriately designed and dressed?
8.Does the window really reflect your offerings in the store and does it therefore attract the right target group in that area?
9.Do you perhaps have too many items in the window? Would less be more attractive and appealing?
10.Who are the competitors? What is the most successful shop in your area? WHY? What do they do differently? What target group do the competitors and the most successful one approach? How are their windows? How do they follow the market and fashion trends? What advertisement do they do?
11.In this competitor’s context, after having analyzed the market thoroughly, a benchmarking exercise with the competitors would be certainly recommendable!
12.What are the competitors' strength and their weaknesses? What are yours?
13.What are the opportunities in the market and how can you exploit them best? What are the threats you should be aware of and work accordingly against?
14.What is your positioning?
15.How do you approach the customers?
16.Identify improvement areas
You could look at three "tool kits" as I call them:
(A) Sales Framework
- Framework for further sales tools and systematics
- Analysis tool for identification of improvement levers to increase sales performance
- Efficiency and effectiveness focus
Here you have to align your corporate strategy with your sales strategy, process, organization, and people

(B) Sales Growth
- Short-term sales push
- Cross Selling
Here you should align your sales strategy, different sales stimulation tools that should be identified, the opportunity scan, and the direct sales push

(C) Margin Improvement
Here you should re-analyze and evaluate. Readjust your pricing and your sales efficiency

There are different sales stimulation strategies in order to increase sales and it is difficult to make any recommendation or give advice without detailed information. However, to make you aware of the different possibilities, please keep the following in mind:
Changing economic environment requires faster sales performance through simultaneous approach to sales stimulation and cost reduction. There are basically two main strategies depending on the market (the first part I am talking about above):
(1) "V - concept": Sequential approach
- Adapted for growing market environments
- Lean cost structure as prerequisite to leverage sales stimulation activities

(2) "Turned V- concept": Simultaneous approach
- Adapted for stagnant and shrinking market environments with intensified price pressure and competition
- Sales performance levers show double effect:
- Cost efficiency and sales growth
Once the market is identified and the right strategy in place, the communication marketing, including window design, should be addressed accordingly. As I said, it is difficult or rather impossible to suggest any sales increase methods without having the complete picture analyzed and re-evaluated. Only then success is possible.

Perhaps these points will help you stimulate some thoughts. Please, feel free revert to me at any time and perhaps you would like to take this conversation to a Private Forum.
RESPONSE – MENTOR 2: One sure way to improve sales is to increase footfalls into your show room. Other mentors have covered the factors extensively already. You need to look at all of them before hand. But the key to success is to make more visitors (foot falls) to your show room rather than a neighbourhood store. In a fiercely competitive market like you have in India, differentiator is your ability to to make more people visit you and when once they are in provide fine service through appropriate greeting, courteous handling and having well trained salespeople/counter boys & girls.
Therefore think of some ways in which you can make a person who is a passerby step in. A window shopper to come in and enquire about the product and so on. When once someone has stepped in 50% of the work is done. In fact it is more than 50%

RESPONSE – MENTOR 1: Mentor 2 is absolutely right; you need to increase your footfalls. In order to do this you must be different and make your showroom attractive. Increasing the footfalls sometimes requires re-thinking of your strategy, your positioning, your marketing activities, hence, you might want to consider some of the points I have listed out which might help you to increase the traffic.
RESPONSE – MENTOR 3: You have some excellent advice here. The only point I would add is to study your best competitors. Pick a dozen stores that you think do a good job and visit them. Hang around, ask questions of sales staff (you'll be surprised how much they will reveal), look at their shop floor operations, look at the types of customers who visit. Write all your observations down so you can compare across them. I think you will learn about some things before you even try them out.

The last piece of advice is to consider your business as: (1) new customers; and (2) repeat customers. Common strategies apply to both, but some are unique to each group. Keep track of visits of frequent customers and see how much of your business comes from really frequent customers. Go out of your way to keep them. RESPONSE FROM PEERS:
PEER1: Just trying to trigger some thoughts to boost sales in your showroom;

1. Add music
2.More visual appeal
3.Run a email / mail campaign inviting footfalls / lucky draws / surprise gifts etc
4.Get a celebrity once in a Quarter
5.Offer value packages
6.Have helpful and smiling staff members - train them hard
7.Come as a disguised customer and test your staff
8.Make sure trendy stuff is always available
9.Replace your stock periodically
10. Reward consistent customers
11.Give alterations FAST
12.Offer home delivery
PEER2: I can tell from the perspective of the young gaming community in India that good quality merchandise is highly appreciated.
There are a few gaming clubs in Delhi which would happily embrace your products if the quality is good. For gamers even if the pricing is high they accept it.

Let’s say you have a set of unique T-shirt models, maybe you could give away 1 of each kind as prizes to a gaming festival; and this in turn would promote your brand manifold. Last event that GoLive participated in Delhi Hindu College and Shri Ram College of Commerce - the turnouts were huge.

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Financial Advice's by Warren Buffet  

Monday, March 2, 2009

* Hard work: All hard work brings profit; but mere talk leads only to poverty.
* Laziness: A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current.
* Earnings: Never depend on a single source of income.
* Spending: If you buy things you don't need, you'll soon sell things you need.
* Savings: Don 't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after
* Borrowings: The borrower becomes the lender's slave.
* Accounting: It 's no use carrying an umbrella, if your shoes are leaking.
* Auditing: Beware of little expenses; a small leak can sink a large ship.
* Risk-taking: Never test the depth of the river with both feet.
* Investment: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

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